Thursday, March 28, 2013

Same Sex Marriage

Today I am going to talk about the major news story of the week, same sex marriage. This video is a great explanation of same sex marriage from the Church's point of view. The Church believes that marriage is between a man and woman and finds its roots in the creation of the world. The Church also believes that children are a major part of marriage. The Catholic Church has always opposed same sex marriage because of the inability to have children and the creation story. Many of the people in America do not oppose same sex marriage because they don't care who get's married. This belief system is quickly becoming the majority, and the Catholic Church's belief system is viewed by many as a thing of the past.

Thanking God for Your Abilities

Today I am going not going to talk about holiness, but instead I am going to something that happened last night. I am on the JV lacrosse team at my school and we had a game last night against a varsity team. We were playing in a close game and and right before halftime, one of our players ran over a player on the other team. He was injured on the field and we had to stop play for about 30 minutes. After a while, the ambulance showed up, and they had to cart him off the field and take him to the hospital. I am not sure what happened to the kid, but I think it was a head or neck injury. They said he couldn't feel his legs. I am praying for the kid and I have a greater appreciation for human life because of this incident. I am thankful for my ability to walk and to play lacrosse.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Finding God in your Everyday Life

Many people are seeking to find God in their life. A good place to start is in prayer, reading the Bible, and looking to help others in any way possible. Prayer allows you to ask God for guidance in finding things around you.  As a Christian, you will grow in holiness and closer to God. By reading the Bible and putting others first you will begin to see God working in your life. I know when I am reading the Bible daily; I live a more enjoyable and happier life. Looking for the good in everything you do and helping others in every situation will help you find God in all things. When I attempt to help others in my everyday life, I find that I feel like I am growing closer to God. In order to find Christ in your everyday life, you should look for the good in every situation, pray, put the needs of others before your own, and reading scripture everyday.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog Description: First Blog Post

Hello everybody! My friend Porter McKean and I, Harrison Schmidt, are creating a new blog about how holiness can connect to every day life. We think that people who are not active in their religions, or just don't really care about religion very much will be the most interesting in this blog. We will be making serious posts about things that we observe in the world around us and why/how these things might connect to holiness. Ideally, we will be doing one post per day every week day. Tune in everyday to see what new things you can discover about holiness!
