Friday, May 10, 2013

The First Sin

Original Sin, the first sin, is a core part of Catholic Church teaching, and can only be understood through the creation story, along with some background on of Jesus Christ. In the beginning, Adam and Eve lived in a state of Original Justice and Holiness in communion with God. They were commanded not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because it would kill them. When they disobeyed God and trusted the Devil's temptation, they losed communion with God and the advantages that came with being in communion with our creator. Before Original Sin, we were free from the burdens of sin like death. Adam and Eve's children would also not inherit the communion with God, and humans would be born in a state of lost grace. This Fall from communion is the direct effect of the Original Sin, which could only be atoned for by Jesus Christ. In order for us to be brought back into communion with God, we needed a human to repay the infinite debt that we owed to God. Only Christ who is fully divine yet fully human could redeem a sin committed by humans against God. 

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