Monday, May 6, 2013

All Are Welcome
First off, I found this article to be a very good explanation of a lot of different Catholic teachings in the Church. The author uses very good and relate-able examples and parallels to the Church that a normal person might experience in the real world. If you, the reader, are trying to learn more about Catholicism whether you be separated brethren or non religious looking to see what the Church is about. I highly recommend reading it!
I like how in the author paralleled the washing of the hands when the boy entered the house before he ate dinner to baptism when one enters the Church. To enter the Church one must take the sacrament of baptism to cleanse themselves of original sin just as the boy must wash himself of all the mud before he eats dinner with the welcoming family.
"Hate the sin; love the sinner." This is another quote from the article that I found to be very interesting. He uses two very simple phrases to describe something that plays such a big role in the Church. One attribute that Jesus shows many times throughout his life on earth is his mercy and forgiveness. He reminds us that we should not stone the lady who is committing adultery because we are all sinners ourselves. We must learn to love everybody like they are our family and deal with their sins because we are all sinners too.

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