Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Four Marks of the Catholic Church - The Basics

The Four marks of the Catholic Church set the Catholic Church apart from other religions such as Judaism, other types of Christianity such as Protestantism, and heresies such as Arianism. The Four marks of the Catholic Church are marks that the Catholic Church has inherently. The marks were not made up by the Church or the Pope. These marks were given to the Church by Christ, who founded the Church, to set it apart from others. The Church is able to maintain these four marks because it is guided by the Holy Spirit who descended upon the earth after the ascension of Christ into Heaven. One of the times that we see the four marks visible during mass is during the profession of the Nicene Creed. During mass we say "We believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church." Although some other Christian churches may have one, two, or three of the four marks, only the Catholic Church contains all four marks which sets it apart as the true Church of Christ.

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