Sunday, April 28, 2013

Controversial Topics: Abortion

I know abortion is a very, very controversial topic, but I did a class work exercise on it and I wanted address it in this blog. I read an article about Saint Gianna, an Italian doctor with many children. The article focused on her difficulties with her baby that she was about to have. They discovered cancer in Gianna in the 9th month of pregnancy and giving birth to the new baby would probably end in both Gianna and her baby to die. The doctor said she should get an abortion, but Gianna decided that she wanted to have the baby even though her life was at stake. She, being a very dedicated Catholic, wanted the doctors to try to save the baby rather than killing the baby to save her life. This was a very bold move by her. This is why abortion has become so controversial. It all depends on peoples opinions. Gianna's opinion was that her baby's life was more important than her's, so she wanted the doctors to try to save the life of the baby instead of her. Some other people think their life is more important than an unborn baby. These people most likely believe that unborn baby's aren't yet considered alive, so they don't consider it murder. Of course, the views of the Catholic Church are very strict. The Church believes that life starts at conception so that once the baby is created, it is considered alive. This means that unborn babies are considered alive. Some others do not agree with the Catholic Church. They believe that life starts once the baby has been born. This difference of opinion is what has caused the major controversy surrounding abortion.

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