Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stations of the Cross

I was thinking back on my experience on Good Friday when I attended the stations of the cross. The stations of the cross understand Jesus's suffering and death on the cross. Each station tells about events that occurred during Jesus's last hours. Each station allowed me to reflect on my own life and sins that I have committed. For example, when Simon of Cyrene takes up Jesus's cross, he is participating in the crucifixion of Christ. We are not forced to take up the cross like Simon, but we are invited to participate in in the life of Christ by taking up our cross. By taking up our cross and living Christ's mission, we can find true life through Christ. The Stations of the Cross allowed me to reflect on my on sins and grow in holiness.

Men For Others

Hey guys, I'm back. I was on vacation touring some colleges, but now I'm back and ready to talk about holiness! The thing that I want to talk about today happened a few days ago during a lacrosse game. We were playing a conference game against Memorial High School, and we all expected it to be a good game. During the game, there was a little trash talking going on between the teams. One of the kids on the other team had a prosthetic leg, and some of my teammates started making fun of him. After the game this came to the attention of our coaches, and they were pretty upset about it. One of our coaches said that if we learn anything from going to school at Strake Jesuit, it should be learning how to be a man for others.
This is the motto of our school, and Jesuit schools everywhere
This can be related to holiness because we didn't act very Christ-like and holy during our game. We were trash talking the other team and making fun of their players. This was completely unnecessary, but we did it anyway. If we focus on being holy during our simple, everyday activities, like a lacrosse game, we can become one step closer to becoming like Christ.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Is Love Subjective?

I believe that love is both subjective and objective. I believe that love is subjective because our beliefs and attitudes affect how we feel about things. Love is also objective because of the natural hormones that we can not control like the feeling for our family. In my life, I have attempted to love some of my extended family. I am unable to love them as I love my close family. I still did things and treated them like I loved them just as much as my closer family. I believe that love is objective because of my inability to love them like my close family. I also believe that love is subjective because I still was able to love them because of the way I treated them. For these reasons, I believe that love is both subjective and objective.

The Call to Holiness and Love

I was thinking about what it means to be holy and how love relates to being holy. Jesus told us in his new law of love, " Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another". In order to achieve holiness, you must love everyone just like you love yourself. We should strive to be as loving as God. Paul says "God is Love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."  We are able to achieve holiness by loving as God loves. In this way, we allow God to live through us.
